The Magic City

The Magic City

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I am revising and finalizing my query letter.  In the last month, I attended two outstanding programs on queries.  Both convinced me my letter needed a major overhaul.  It is almost there. I can feel it. I have resolved to let it sit for a week before giving it a final review then loosing it on the world.

In the meantime, I wanted to share highlights of one of the programs I attended.  Here are some highlights of young adult author Lisa Dunick's query presentation at the Birmingham RWA chapter's meeting.

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Taste of the Magic City

I love this video that features great shots from around the Magic City.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Day the Supreme Court Became Self Aware

On this day (February 24) in 1803, the judicial equivalent of Skynet becoming self aware occurred in the landmark case of Marbury v Madison.  This was when the Supreme Court recognized it had the power to declare a law unconstitutional. The court became aware of its own power. At that moment, the judiciary went from being the weakest, to arguably, the most powerful branch of government.

In recognition of that monumental event, I wanted to remind everyone who writes of the great power they have with their words. The power to create, destroy, inspire and define a moment in time belongs to  writers. Become self aware and use that power.

For all of the high school Lincoln-Douglas debate veterans out there, I leave you with a quote from the proponent of unlimited goods, Mortimer J. Adler, "In the case of good books, the point is not how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you."

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Free Tech for Writers

While the issue of whether technology makes our writing lives easier is up for debate (when your motherboard departs this world and takes with it several months of work, you will understand), there is a lot of great free, or almost free, technology out there to help writers. I wanted to use this post as a chance to compile a list of helpful resources.

Editing and Writing

AutoCrit - The AutoCrit Editing Wizard is an instant book editor that helps identify problems (word echoes, grammar, etc.) in work you upload. There is a limited free version. The more functional versions require an annual fee.

 yWriter - Free writing software for writers made by writers (in the spirit of full disclosure, I am a Scrivener devotee, but my friend Karen loves yWriter - she says it is better than Girl Scout cookies - mighty high praise). 

 Elements of Style - No, you didn't escape this when you left your formal education behind. It is available online so your high school English teacher doesn't cringe when she reads your masterpiece. 

Motivation and Creativity 

Dr. Wicked's Write or Die - Southern Magic goddesses Jennifer Echols and Naima Simone extol the virtues of this motivational tool that punishes its users with horrible noises, blood dripping from the screen and the munching of written words if you stop writing for too long. The online version is free, but there is a cheap download that you can use when you are sans internet. I LOVE Write or Die. This is a NaNoWriMo must. 

Written? Kitten! - Yes, I am the crazy cat lady, so this works well for me. This tool gives you a blank page where you can type. Every time you cross a milestone (100, 200, 500 and 1000-word settings are available), you are rewarded with a warm fuzzy kitten picture. Awwwwww :) 

XMind - This is a free brainstorming tool that is easy to install and use. 

One Word - One word writing prompts. 

The Emotion Thesaurus - I joke that my characters must be perpetually dizzy and have reflux issues based on the way I describe emotions. I have saved these poor souls from tortured futures by using this site to better describe their emotions. 

Plotting - This is a digital version of 3X5 cards. Use it to layout your story and plot lines. It is great for collaborating on stories and planning write-ins. 

Blake Snyder's Save the Cat Beat Sheet - Several Southern Magic members (even the pantsers) swear by the Save the Cat method and the beat sheet for plotting a story. 


National Geographic's What's in a Surname - This is a fun tool to identify common surnames in the geographic area of the US where you story is set. 

University of Wisconsin's Dictionary of Regional English - This helps ou keep your dialogue authentic. It places words and phrases in times and locations. 

Google Earth - A must if you are setting your story in an area you don't live. 

This list is just a start. Please post your favorite resources in the comments. I'll edit and modify this post in a few days so you can bookmark it and have it available for future writing needs.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Greystone Housewife

I love this video featuring my high school friend Holly. Shhh . . . keep it a secret, but this video inspired a minor character in my WIP.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Christy Reece on Valentine's Day

Hey everyone! Check out my friend, and NYT Bestseller, Christy Reece. She is an amazing author (and a local girl :)). She was on tv recently serving as a Valentine's Day expert. Watch this clip, then run out to buy her books (buy local, I always say!).